Ukraine is ravaged by AIDS Epidemic.
One percent of the Ukrainian population is already infected with HIV, that is, half a million people. The spreading of the HIV epidemic is still not under control. Set against the social transformation process the Ukrainian epidemic develops into one of the most quickly evolving worldwide. » Read more..
German-Ukrainian Partnership Projects.
There is a great need for information and medical care. The long-term partnerships between Germany and Ukraine featured on this homepage are contributing to this. Allen projects have in common their work in interdisciplinary teams and their alignment to the local ressources and conditions.

The Clinic Partnership
There is a clinic partnership project between the Berlin Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria Clinical Centre (AVK) and the Donetsk AIDS Centre for the training of physicians and health care workers.

The Care Programme
AVK staff members train Caritas Ukraine employees in the outpatient care of people living with HIV/AIDS.

Students at the Faculty of Medical of the University Witten/Herdecke are conducting partnership projects with different local prevention projects to support the education of Ukrainian youths about HIV and AIDS.
22 November, 08:36 |
MOSCOW (AP) -- A top Russian anti-AIDS coordinator on Friday lambasted the government's approach to fighting HIV, saying the number of registered cases was growing 10 percent a year despite increased federal funding.
A misguided focus on treatment instead of prevention has undermined efforts to combat AIDS, said Vadim Pokrovsky, head of the state-funded Federal AIDS Center, which is charged with coordinating efforts.
''It seems to me that we still have no national policy on fighting AIDS,'' Pokrovsky said. ''We are running in place, and meanwhile HIV is spreading.''
December 10, 2008 |
Category: Situation
04 December 2008 |
Inadequate medicine, ineffective cooperation and low awareness exacerbate Ukraine's soaring infection rate
If there's anything worse than having AIDS, maybe it's having the disease in Ukraine. Discrimination, unstable supplies of critical medicine and poor awareness are still prevalent.
Maksym Nikolayenko would know. He is among those HIV-positive Ukrainians whose virus has progressed to AIDS. He is no longer afraid or silent. "I am tired of hiding it. I've realized if people keep silent, AIDS will choke all of us," Nikolayenko said.
Nikolayenko understands why other HIV/AIDS patients are still afraid and silent. He also doesn't recommend that all HIV-positive people speak out and reveal their status. "Discrimination is all over the country," Nikolayenko said. "And it's scary."
December 10, 2008 |
Category: Situation
The Situation
Ever since 1995 Ukraine experiences an epidemic spread of drug addiction. As a result the HIV epidemic and a new tuberculosis epidemic were able to spread unchecked. About 47 million people live in Ukraine (WHO, 2008). Estimated 430,000 people above 15 years are infected with HIV; 190,000 of them are women. The assumed prevalence in the age group of the 15-49- year olds is 1.6% (UNAIDS, 2008a).
For further reading go to: The Situation
October 29, 2008 |
Category: Situation
Final Results of Comprehensive External Evaluation of the National Response to AIDS
Remarks by: Dr. Olavi Elo, Team Leader
Stakeholders Meeting // Ministry of Health of Ukraine // July 23, 2008<
1. Introduction and Overview
Dear Mr. Minister, Dear Members of the National Council, Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Evaluation Team, it is with a sense of urgency that I present the final results of the Comprehensive External Evaluation of the National Response to AIDS.
Given the complexity of this evaluation - which is the most comprehensive evaluation of a national AIDS programme ever conducted - the process of drafting this report took longer than expected. With the support of 32 members of the Evaluation Team, we have worked for five months to compile the results of the evaluation into a consolidated report. We have synthesized the data from interviews with over 360 people in Ukraine, as well the results of research and summary reports for over 120 technical issues.
Final Results of Comprehensive External Evaluation of the National Response to AIDS (PDF, 160KB)
All Results: National Report On Monitoring Progress Towards The UNGASS Declaration (PDF, 2.7MB)
August 15, 2008 |
Category: Background
Assessment 2008 in Donetsk.

Ward physicians Evgenij and Solodenko performing ultrasound scans in the AIDS ward
Following the successful observation of ward physician Dr. Kostantin Solodenko in August and September 2007 in the AVK a new visit was paid to Donetsk in July 2008.
During his observation in the AVK Dr. Solodenko had been instructed especially in performing and evaluating sonographic exams. Afterwards he shared his knowledge with his three colleagues from the ward for internal medicine of the Donetsk AIDS Centre.
The second assessment provided the possibility to discuss questions that arose in the context of ultrasound scans with two physicians and a health care staff member of the AVK. _The second visit focussed on discussing the next steps within the framework of the clinic partnership. It was determined that the constant exchange about diagnostic and nursing/care issue shall be the main focus. A telematics platform will be established in order to guarantee this exchange as soon as possible. Contents and technical requirements have been discussed in detail with the director of the AIDS Centre and the ward physicians of the AIDS ward.
July 19, 2008 |
Category: Clinic Partnership